Relative Humidity and IAQ

Relative Humidity and IAQ

Posted in Indoor Air Quality on Feb 04, 2021

Indoor Air Quality has been a hot topic of late, and is getting more attention in this current climate than ever before. HVAC efficacy and IAQ efforts are only a piece of the puzzle, however, and research shows that another important factor with a correlation to health and wellness is the relative humidity inside buildings.

Manufacturers Pricing Increases and Shortages in 2021

Manufacturers Pricing Increases and Shortages in 2021

Posted in News on Jan 26, 2021

Commercial contractors continue to battle various material shortages as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the Q4 2020 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Commercial Construction Index. Furthermore, experts say that the shortages and difficulty in procuring certain construction materials, as well as the resulting cost increases, won’t go away any time soon.

Is Air Conditioning Spreading COVID-19?

Is Air Conditioning Spreading COVID-19?

Posted in Indoor Air Quality, News on Jul 06, 2020

As States begin to open up again for business and the weather heats up, many of us may be wondering if HVAC systems could be spreading coronavirus in buildings. Some news articles on this topic have popped up here and there, but the connection seems unclear.