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Feeling The Heat

The cooling season has begun, and we’re feeling it in the southeast. As of June 26th, we saw 661 more cooling degree days as of the same date last year.


Every state is warmer this year with one exception: Florida. Floridians may have noticed a rather cool spring; however, the heat is returning, trending to upward as we get deeper into summer.


Let’s put this data into the market perspective by factoring in population by state. Here are the populations by state as of 2023 (source: FRED):

  • AL = 5,108,468
  • MS = 2,939,690
  • FL = 22,610,726
  • GA = 11,029,227
  • TN = 7,126,489
  • KY = 4,526,154

With respect to the impact of demand, we expect Florida and Georgia to have the largest impact. So, if we factor in these numbers by state, our population-weighted cooling degree days over last year comes down to +58. This makes sense because Florida has been cooler this year so far.

As a percentage over last year, this number translates to a +7.9% lift, crossing over into positive just a few weeks ago.

Total Adjusted.png

Joseph Carboni
Marketing, Operations & Technology Manager
Shupe Carboni & Associates